Adaptxt Keyboard v3.0 APK
Adaptxt Keyboard
Adaptxt v3.0 is the first keyboard to update its dictionary based on the user’s location and the application being used, providing more accurate and contextual word predictions than any other keyboard.
- Location-based suggestions: add and save a location to receive suggestions such as street names and landmarks while typing.
- Application-based suggestions: adapts to the specific topics and writing style you use in each application to offer even more relevant and personalized suggestions.
- Learns from your writing style & provides personalized word suggestions
- Learns from Gmail, Facebook and Twitter
- Error correction and context-based predictions
- Silent dictionary updates for trending words
- 93 languages
- 44 industry-specific dictionaries including medicine, law, finance, business, sports & entertainment
- Tap on keys or swipe over characters to form words (Glide)
- 12 key layout
- Language-specific layouts (QWERTY, QWERTZ, AZERTY, etc.)
- Automatic Text Replacement (ATR) to create custom text shortcuts
- Launch applications and websites from the keyboard
- Create your own themes, swap keys, and modify key shape, font style, background picture, colors and height of your keyboard
- Share key: post messages on social networks from the keyboard.
- Revert key: undo auto correction
- Clipboard: select, cut, copy, paste & navigation keys
- Afrikaans
- Albanian-Shqip
- Arabic العربية
- Assamese-অসমীয়া
- Azerbaijani-Azərbaycan
- Banglish
- Basque-Euskara
- Belarusian-Беларуская
- Bengali-বাংলা
- Bulgarian-Български
- Catalan-Català
- Croatian-Hrvatski
- Czech-Čeština
- Danish-Dansk
- Dutch-Nederlands
- English AU
- English UK
- English US
- Estonian-Eesti
- Filipino-Tagalog
- Finnish-Suomi
- French BE-Français
- French CA-Français
- French CH-Français
- French FR-Français
- Galician-Galego
- Georgian-ქართული
- German-Deutsch
- Greek-Ελληνικά
- Gujarati-ગુજરાતી
- Hausa
- Hebrew-עִבְרִית
- Hindi-हिन्दी
- Hinglish
- Hungarian-Magyar
- Icelandic-Íslenska
- Igbo
- Indonesian-Bahasa Indonesia
- Irish-Gaeilge
- Italian-Italiano
- Kanglish
- Kannada-ಕನ್ನಡ
- Korean (beta)-한국어
- Latvian-Latviešu
- Lithuanian-Lietuvių
- Macedonian-Македонски
- Malayalam-മലയാളം
- Malay-Bahasa Melayu
- Manglish
- Manx-Gaelg
- Marathinglish
- Marathi-मराठी
- Nepali-नेपाली
- Neplish
- Norwegian-Norsk
- Odinglish
- Persian (Farsi)-فارسی
- Polish-Polski
- Portuguese BR-Português
- Portuguese PT-Português
- Punglish
- Punjabi-ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
- Romanian-Română
- Russian-Русский
- Scottish Gaelic-Gàidhlig
- Serbian Cyrillic-Српски
- Serbian Latin-Srpski
- Sesotho LS
- Sesotho ZA
- Slovak-Slovenčina
- Slovenian-Slovenščina
- Sorani Kurdish-کوردی
- Spanish ES-Español
- Spanish LA-Español
- Sundanese-Basa Sunda
- Swahili-Kiswahili
- Swedish-Svenska
- Tamil-தமிழ்
- Tanglish
- Telugu-తెలుగు
- Tenglish
- Thai-ภาษาไทย
- Turkish-Türkçe
- Turkmen-Türkmençe
- Ukrainian-Українська
- Urdu-اُردوُ
- Uzbek-O'zbek
- Vietnamese-Tiếng Việt
- Xhosa-isiXhosa
- Yoruba-Yorùbá
- Zulu-isiZulu
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