CM Apps: CyanogenMod apps for all, without the ROM!
Custom ROMs are very popular in the Android world, and none more so than CyanogenMod. The alternative firmware, beyond providing support for devices long-forgotten by the manufacturers, also brings numerous apps such as its own launcher, a music player and camera app. With a new app available in the Play Store, you can install these great CM apps even if your smartphone does not run CyanogenMod. And all this without root too!
The CM Apps app is available for free in the Play Store. When you open it, you will have an overview of all of the 12 current apps on CyanogenMod. Just click on one of them to install it. The developers of the app do warn, however, that not all applications are compatible with all devices, so don't feel left out if you can't get them all. In my test, the new Camera Next app did not work on theNexus 5 or the Ascend P7. The file manager, flashlight and normal camera, however, functioned smoothly.
Applications available at the moment are:
- Apollo (music player)
- Next Camera (4.4+) (new camera from CM 11s)
- Camera (normal camera)
- Messaging (SMS)
- Clock Widget (clock and weather app)
- DSP Manager (bass boost for headphones)
- File Manager (file manager)
- Sound Recorder (recorder)
- Calculator (calculator)
- Torch (flashlight)
- Trebuchet (CM launcher)
- Wallpapers