Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How to fix LG G2 Android KitKat problems

How to fix LG G2 Android KitKat problems

How to fix LG G2 Android KitKat problems

Many users have been experiencing some problems with their LG G2 after updating to Android 4.4.2 KitKat. The main issue reported by users is how terrible the battery life has become, in addition to some other annoying problems, like mobile network connections (3G and LTE) dropping, inaccurate GPS and faulty Knock On. Here are some ways to fix these issues.
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Battery life

A software update should actually help battery life, but it looks like it has just achieved just the opposite. Apps and location data may be reason for the diminish in battery life. Apps that look for this data are usually Facebook Messenger, Google Maps and all other apps that require GPS or WiFi for location search. Check your apps to see if indeed this is the case, plus disable the GPS and Wifi location search in the settings, which will likely have you seeing a lot of improvements in battery.
  • Go to device settings.
  • Scroll down to Location.
  • Here you want to change the mode to ‘Battery saving mode’, as opposed to High accuracy, these options are now available since the KitKat update.
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Taken on a G Pad, which has the same setup, you can find switch to batter saving mode for location services (left) and switch on Battery saver (right). © AndroidPIT
Another thing to do is to turn on the battery saver under the Battery settings menu, a super quick solution and maybe the end of your problems.
If battery is still an issue, we’ve suggested quite a few effective ways to stop killing your Android battery, so check them out!

Mobile data and LTE network issues

If mobile data fails, or it doesn’t automatically connect when turning off Wifi or leaving a Wifi area, or perhaps it’s not connecting at all, there’s not too much you can do, other than wait for the next update to arrive or contact your provider.
One option that you may already know about is turning airplane mode on and off. This is the quickest way, though it could get quite annoying having to do this all the time.
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In the notifications bar, you will find the option to toggle airplane mode on and off in the Quick Settings. You will need to swipe the left to get it. © AndroidPIT
If are with Sprint, try going into the Sprint Zone found on your device, then tap on My Device. From here, find Dashboard and select Data Network and finally Update Profile. Once this is complete, select OK.

GPS inaccurate

GPS issues have also been plaguing some LG G2 users. Here, what you can do is actually go back into the Settings, then Location and ensure that Location access is on as well as switched to High Accuracy. Like mentioned above, this could diminish your battery life, but the trick is to just switch it off if you aren’t using an app that requires accurate GPS or this at all. (See above for screenshots).
Another option would be to install an App, such as GPS Status & Toolbox. This free app from thePlay Store is extremely popular because it is so effective. It rests and downloads A+GPS data regularly, provides you with additional tools, and shows satellite data. Definitely worth a try if you feel like your GPS isn't up to par.
If the problem continues, call your carrier to let them know about the issue.

Knock On unstable

Knock On is an LG feature that allows you to knock twice anywhere on the display to activate it and turn off by knocking on the home screen or status bar. First check to see if it even turned on. Go to settings, then General, Gestures and Knock On.
KnockCode g2
© LG
If the problems persists, you might want to try recalibrating the motion sensor of your LG G2, which again is quite easy to do. Head to Settings, then General, Gestures and finally Motion sensor calibration.
Finally, in the settings under Accessibility, select Touch & hold delay. Change it from short to medium.
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Head down to Accessibility and select Touch screen feedback time. Change it to Medium. © AndroidPIT
Did any of these solutions work for you? What other problems have been bothering you since the KitKat update and do you have any other fixes to suggest?