Thursday, May 8, 2014

KitKat updates: here's when your Samsung device will get Android 4.4

KitKat updates: here's when your Samsung device will get Android 4.4

KitKat updates: here's when your Samsung device will get Android 4.4

Thanks to a recently leaked document, we now know which Samsung devices will be getting theAndroid 4.4 KitKat update as well as when. This is the information you’ve been waiting to hear about for a long time, but the news might not be so promising for international Galaxy S3 owners. Read on to learn your Android fate!
 © AndroidPIT
Sammobile’s tipster dropped a massive bomb that users all around the globe will likely want to see: a list showing which devices will be getting the latest Android update, 4.4 KitKat. Some of these devices, include the Galaxy S3 LTE, Galaxy S4 Mini, Galaxy Note 3 Neo, Grand 2, Galaxy Mega 5.8 and Mega 6.3. Though we were already certain these devices would get it, now we have a better idea of when: testing is complete for the Note 3 Neo, S4 Mini LTE and Galaxy Note 2 LTE and should start rolling out this month. As of the other ones, the estimated time of arrival for the Android updates will start in June.
Take a look for yourself:
kitkat Update status
 © SamMobile
The Galaxy S5 could also be set to get Android 4.4.3 in the near future, according to Sammobile's sources. And there are some Samsung devices that might skip right over Android 4.4.2 to get Android 4.4.3 instead. This could cause a delay in devices actually getting the update.
As for the international version of the Galaxy S3, there was a big of speculation that the update would never come to this Samsung smartphone, presumably because it only comes with 1 GB of RAM, as opposed to the LTE and US versions that have 2. This seems to be cleared up now with yet another leaked document which shows a developer report of the Galaxy S3 Android 4.4.2 KitKat test build. The memory is therefore not the problem, as it seems Samsung is having a hard time implementing TouchWiz apps which are prohibiting system apps from loading. That being said, the plan for the Android 4.4.2 upgrade has been cancelled for Samsung for now, but hopefully there will be some news on that in the near future.
se dev report
The international Galaxy S3 is giving Samsung some problems when updating to Android 4.4.2 KitKat. © Sammobile
Are you on the list to get the KitKat update?